My attire during treatment
Blog - Covid day 4-5
I would first like to thank all of those who are either silently reading my blogs or actively giving me feedback, love and support. I would love to hear from you if you are reading my blogs. I know that many silently read and provide no feedback. Trust me it does NOT go un-noticed.
As Christmas approaches the only thing that is really important is our health and happiness. Who would have thought 1 week ago I would be in this place right now.
I hope my current blogs can HELP those who are or have friends or relatives going through this terrible Virus. Please understand, I am NOT a doctor, and I HIGHLY advise any and all to get tested and see your doctors if you are coming down with any of the symptoms.
Monoclonal Antibody Treatment - REGENERON
Yesterday we traveled north the the closest facility providing the Monoclonal Antibody Treatment - REGENERON.
Here is SOME information on the treatment, but I highly advise your own personal investigation and research including reading all the information on the provided link.
REGEN-COV is an investigational medicine used in adults and adolescents who at high risk for severe COVID-19, including hospitalization or death.
treatment of mild to moderate symptoms of COVID-19
post exposure prevention of COVID-19 for those not fully vaccinated or have not built up enough immune response
have been exposed to someone with COVID-19
To set an appointment or get more information on this treatment:
My treatment was at 1:30 PM. I arrived at the facility which was a large gymnasium. We were hoping we could get Alice in as well as she had set an appointment for the next day as NONE were available. They wold not allow her in even though she had an appointment there the very next day. She waited in the car for me. They told us it would be 1 hour and 20 minutes. Their timing was almost exact. After the pre-screening process and taking my vitals I was led to a booth with 2 charming and handsome men …. looked like male models. I was ready to take their picture. After providing them with my information they quickly proceeded to shoot my left arm and my belly left of my belly button. I turned the chair and they repeated on the right side. I still have the 4 bandaids on my body to prove it. Within minutes I was asked to find a seat and wait for 1 hour.
The after shot waiting room was very interesting. Me in my hoodie looking like a sick old hippie from the past. NO Wifi connection, yet every one was on their phone. I looked around and found others adorned in their own baseball caps and hoodies. Many looked totally healthy, some were coughing all the time. I realized I may have been cursed with the worse visible signs of the virus.
One hour later and I heard my name. Cursed with the name Schmuki for 66 years now, I heard it again. This time my name was pronounced with perfection. They first took my heart rate and temperature, and I saw my temperature barely make 95. I saw the nurses look at each other in anxiousness. Then they took my blood pressure on my right arm and my higher number was in the 160’s. I saw the panic again on the nurses. I was asked if I had HIGH blood pressure. I said NEVER. They then tried it on my right arm and the upper number was around 133. I saw the relief in their eyes. I was then released from the facility 1 hour and 20 minutes later.
The Result
Monoclonal Antibody Treatment result as of this morning at 9:00 am are mixed. I felt much better last night but woke up in a puddle of sweat, moved to the middle of the bed, woke up again in another puddle of sweat and repeated again on the left side of the big KING size bed. Another puddle of sweat. I took a shower at about 6:00 am and Alice was right there from the other room changing my sheets.
How do I feel
The worst moment was really the first night. Each day I have felt slightly better, but really no substantial improvement. I feel foggy, sometimes chilled and occasionally achy. I am still scared. Can’t stop thinking about my friend…
What am I doing for treatment?
Lots of rest, but also trying to get vertical as often as possible
Monoclonal Antibody Treatment
Tylenol when I have a headache
Glutadose - Wellness Bioactive Nutraceutical complex
Lots of water
I am eating less but regular and have not yet lost my taste
BAD News:
Alice clearly NOW has it as she woke up today with some of the symptoms. She will be getting the treatment today as well as getting COVID tested. Now I guess Toby the cat will be taking care of us.