For those of you who have not already read my first blog post on Covid. Here is the link:
I am calling this Covid Day 3. Friday afternoon, three days ago was when I was hit hard with the virus. Who knows what my real start point was or even when or where I was infected. I am so curious about this because I was tested for Covid exactly 2 weeks ago today, the day before my eye surgery and of course tested negative. Since my eye surgery 2 weeks ago tomorrow, I have had very little exposure to the outside world. We did go to Home Goods on Wednesday to purchase some additional items for our Christmas photo shoot in my home studio on Thursday.
Thursday evening we had a wonderful family of 3 over with 2 beautiful young miniature schnauzers. After testing positive for Covid, I immediately contacted the family to give them the bad news. They had just all been tested for Covid that very day in preparation for travel. They had also had Covid previously. In any case, I am very perplexed as to how I got it. I am even MORE perplexed as to how Alice does NOT yet have it.
I am thinking about the faces and vibe going on in the CVS minute clinic where I got tested. A frustrated MOM could not successfully schedule a test for a family member. No slots available and was recommended to go other other testing sites. I remember the eyes and faces of those outside the clinic when I walked out having just been informed about my result. I tried hard to NOT show my emotions, anxiety and utter disbelief. I saw faces of anxiousness, sickness and hope amongst those in line.
We were recommended to get one of the the AT HOME tests for Alice. “Isle 14” we were told. Unfortunately Isle 14 home test shelf was barren. All gone.
I have just scheduled to have Monoclonal Antibody Treatment tomorrow afternoon in Palm Beach County tomorrow afternoon. Alice has scheduled hers for Wednesday but we hope to get them both at the same time.
If you are personally interested in this treatment, here is the site:
I heard that was the magic elixir that saved President Trump. Who knows if that is true, I am sure he had the BEST care in the world, and was very good at keeping his actual diagnoses under wrap. I am the opposite. Mr transparent….. Tom.
I have read the Monoclonal Antibody Treatment is NOT nearly as effective against the current strain of Covid-19 as the 2 previous strains. I am going to get it anyway.
Isn’t it crazy just days ago I was bragging about how many Peloton sessions I had successfully executed in the previous 5 weeks. I cannot wait to get back on the bike. Some day you can call me PeleTOM.
Just a few weeks back on my Peloton.
Last night I started feeling much better and had hopes I was over the worst of it. At about 2:00 am, it hit me again with chills, sweats, coughs, wet covers from sweat, etc.
Today, we did go for about 1/4 mile walk. I could not wait to get back in bed.
So there you have it, Covid Day 3.