
Italian Smoke Fest

This is my second trip to Italy. Last year we spent 4 weeks in various beautiful locations throughout Italy.  This year we have an apartment in Rome for 6 weeks and have yet to venture out in the city.

Controversy, that’s what I am about

This blog may be controversial and perhaps even offensive to some even close friends and relatives.  So be it.  I write from my heart and soul with a little bit of my quirky personality thrown in.

So many cigarette smokers in Italy

Let's get to the meat and "smoke" of this article.  It is clear to me that most all Italians smoke.  After discussing this with young kids ages 17-25 I asked how many of them smoke.  They all said they smoke 10-20 cigarettes a day.  I asked, "so when did you  start smoking?" The answer was almost always 12-13.  "So why did you decide to smoke?"  "It was cool and all my friends did it, it gives us something to do with our hands."   "Tell me about smoking after sex." "Oh, it's so relaxing, we both light up right away..."

Italian Woman with her stogie

Our waitress in florence

Julia, our waitress at a fine steak house in Florence

We had a great conversation with Julia before our dinner. I had told her about my “Italian Smoke Fest” blog, and I asked her about smoking in Italy. She said, “I don’t smoke, but when I was growing up and if you didn’t smoke you were NOT COOL.” She was not considered cool because she didn’t smoke. Her mother is a doctor and she smokes. Go figure.

Why nearly all Italians are thin

As a general rule nearly all Italian men and women are thin.  I have concluded one of the main reason for this is because smoking is their main diet with a little pasta thrown in.  Add to that thousands of steps a day and there you have it, thin Italians.

Just a few days ago when we were eating lunch at an outside cafe near the Spanish steps, we sat 2 tables away from 3 young women who were all smoking one after the other.  Our neighbors were so upset, they got up and left.  No one else in the cafe was smoking.  If we could have moved we would have,  Smokers, don’t you know how rude it is to blow your smoke in some one else’s face.

Smoking in Italy has been banned in public including bars, restaurants, discotheques and offices since 2005.  A majority of Italians supported the ban at the time it was first implemented,[1] but there was a lack of support from smokers and some bar owners. 5% of bar and restaurant owners immediately introduced separate smoking rooms.

Note: I have never kissed a girl who smoked. I imagine it is like kissing an ash tray.  I suppose smokers kiss smokers.

Read the warning label

I asked, "don't you read the warning on the cigarette box? " "That's all lies and propaganda."

Ok now that I have unsystematically established that a lot higher percentage of Italians smoke than Americans let me digress.

I understand I am different with a Mormon UPBRINGING

I grew up in a Mormon home where it was against our religion to smoke, drink, have sex outside of marriage and no coffee or tee allowed. When the bishop personally interviews you, violations of these rules can result in anything from humiliation to excommunication. "Brother Tom, did I see some Coke in your refrigerator?" Even though I have long left the Mormon church I still have never smoked a cigarette.  I have smoked a few cigars for the purpose of a photo.  My first cigar was smoked in the heart of Havana Cuba. I smoked the whole thing and didn't even get sick.  I have never smoked or taken marijuana in any form.  I suppose most of this is due to my Mormon upbringing  Smoking was a SIN.  Smoking marijuana a DRUG was a double sin.\

My first and 2nd to last cigar ever, smoked in Havana Cuba

My dad smoked in the Navy

When my dad was in the navy in WW 2 he said he smoked a bit. I have a feeling a high percentage of enlisted soldiers from any country smoke with a reckless abandon. After the war he never smoked. My brother Randy purposefully got kicked out of high school for smoking a cigarette.  It was his way out. My sister Tina has smoked nearly her entire adult life.  Mom and dad never knew she smoked and was very good at hiding the fact. 

You are really a stud if you smoke unfiltered

Her ex husband smoked unfiltered Marlboro's. I called him the Marlboro man, and he was certainly good looking enough to be so.

One of the original Marlboro men

European Warning labels

In the European Union, since May 2016, the Tobacco Products Directive 2014 requires tobacco product packages to carry combined health warnings consisting of a picture, a text warning and information on stop smoking services, covering 65% of the front and back of the packages.

Warnings have been required in Tobacco advertising for many years, with the earliest mandatory warning labels implemented in the United States since 1966.

So what's the point?  I admit to many vices and bad habits and luckily smoking is not one of them. To my smoking friends and relatives, read the label, take up another bad habit like photography...

"Forgive me Bishop for I have sinned.  I took 3,000 photos last week and I plan to take more." At least I am not going to hell for smoking cigarettes lol.

The moment of Truth - a health update and photography tip at the end

Beautiful model Laura Garrido

Beautiful model Laura Garrido

Another personal blog where you can learn “hidden secrets” about me, my life and my photography.  At the end of this blog I will give ONE photography tip to those photographers on how I assure proper skin tone exposures on things like fashion shows without using a light meter.

I have written two previous blogs about my latest health drama which started over 6 weeks ago.

One Breath Away

I hope to see Clearly again:

For those few who actually read my blog, thank you.  To me it means you care and are interested in my life and my work. For the most part I believe the blog is not really read by anyone, not even my wife lol.  For those select few who do…. THANK YOU.

Here is my health update.

After multiple visits to the following doctors: optometrist, ophthalmologist, neurologist, hematologist, cardiologist.  My neurologist basically said I need everything extensively checked from the “heart up”.  Guess my privates don’t matter …

I have had a Brain Stem Scan, throat scan, EKG, 24 hour heart monitor, echo cardiogram, multiple blood tests, bla, bla, bla.  Oh my. 

My personal prognosis:

My urologist determined my testosterone levels (T Levels) were far too low …. about 175 and at my age should be approximately 700-1000.  We discussed alternatives to fix my problem.  I was convinced even though I had initiated a conversation about the risks that I should go on a regimented supervised testosterone shot treatment plan.  Every other Friday, I have been shot in the arm with that stuff.  After my first blood test, they found my T Levels were great, in the mid 700’s but my blood showed signs of “thickening” and should initiate a plan of purging some of my old blood with new blood.  That is when I went and gave blood. 

It was that day…. Read my blog on  “One Breath Away”, that I believed I had a small minor stroke.  Frankly I thought I was going to die lying on the floor.  I think it may be called a TIA.  I exhibited at least 4 of the major signs of a TIA.

I am still feeling weak, but a little stronger every day.  I still see double (no improvement) without my prism glasses.  I am convinced after talking with people who have gone through this that I will get better and my vision will improve.  Can take 2-6 months.

My fear to be honest.  I read 1/3 of all patients who had a TIA have a stroke within 12 months.  Guess its time to ….. get in shape, fix my cholesterol issues, and most importantly enjoy my life and get that last great photo out there.  I will NEVER stop!

Photography Tip - Proper skin tone exposure

Photographers here is your tip: I look carefully at my histogram.  I zoom in on the skin tones and make sure the histogram is reading just past the middle and even as much as ¾.  Lets face it, if the skin is not exposed properly, what is the use?????

Thomas Schmuki


One breath away

FatCity05--643-Edit-Edit-Edit (1).jpg

This blog is not about photography, but for those interested in me personally you may want to read on.  You may sense how important it is for me to create something special before I go.

My doctor recommended I donate blood every month for 3 months to “help replace good new blood with older not as good blood…”  On Saturday while it was pouring outside I decided to follow my doctors’ orders and donate blood.  Got to love all those questions on the pre-screening.  Good thing I have lived a clean life!  I saw 2 people before me denied from giving blood, one because of her blood pressure and the other because of improper iron levels.  I thought surely, I am going to fail, both my predecessors looked healthier than me.

The process went smoothly and quickly.  They offered me a apple juice after the “
giant sucking” process and I drank it all gone.  They then said, you can leave now.  On the way out they offered me a MacDonald’s Hamburger.  I thought, hum, that was nice, but no.  Why would they offer me a hamburger?

I drove home, sent my wife off shopping and took a nap.  When I woke up from the nap I made a groggy jaunt to the bathroom.  I felt a little dizzy, but thought it was moderately normal because I often feel slightly dizzy when going vertical.  On my way out of the bathroom my dizziness got worse.  I soon realized I was in trouble.  I passed out and fell to the floor.  Not sure how long I was on the floor. When I woke up, I was profusely sweating and started to vomit.  I was laying on the tile floor heaving like never before in my life.  I then called loudly upstairs for my son Ryan... “Ryan, I am in trouble, please help!!!”  I repeated this about 3 times with no response.  I then thought I was alone in the house and surely, I was going to die right there on the floor.  Finally, Ryan came downstairs and I tried to explain to him my problem.  He didn’t understand.  I told him, "please be ready to call 911, I may die right here on the floor." Again, I think he thought I was kidding.  NOT.

Ryan got Tammy on the phone and she was a long way from home. I told Ryan to tell her to get home fast I was in trouble.  Surely Tammy also didn’t believe I was in trouble.  She thought I had a flu.  About ½ hour later she arrived.  I was still on the tile floor lying next to a terrible mess I had created. After drinking a bunch of fluids and eating a banana I started to feel slightly better.

To this moment, I still feel weak.  Definitely strong enough to work, but impacted non the less by the donation of my vampire blood.

Crazy 2 things I thought when I was on the floor.  One: “I hope my last photograph was my best ever” and two: “I never told Tammy I wanted Nanette Maxfield Garrett to sing at my funeral.”

Yes I have a crazy desire to create a legacy of beautiful photographs.  Not sure why.  I guess my hope is that some day someone will recognize I had a sprinkle of artistic talent and I actually gave something positive to the world.
