Last year we vacationed in Italy for 4 weeks staying approximately 11 days in Rome and 10 days in Florence. Our stay last year was May-June. This year we are based out of Rome with an apartment for 6 weeks here. We visited Florence a few days ago for 3 days and 2 nights. The two cities are vastly different in almost every way. We have enjoyed watching many NETFLIX mini series on Rome and Florence including:
Recommended Netflix Series
The Roman Empire: a 3 season documentary narrated by some current historians but likely scattered with presumptions and rumors. When I walk the streets of the FORUM, this series sort of puts perspective and knowledge into it. I saw the place where Caeser was stabbed to death multiple times by the members of his senate.
The Two Popes: Behind Vatican walls, Pope Benedict and the future Pope Francis must face their pasts and find common ground in order to forge a new path for the Catholic Church.
Medici: 3 seasons (series) which interestingly enough cannot be seen in ROME. I wonder why? Perhaps they don’t like the content or how the city and leaders are portrayed. We will watch the end of this when we get back to Florida. After his father's murder, banking heir Cosimo Medici battles opponents of his artistic, economic and political visions for 15th-century Florence
Cosimo II De Medici Granduca N. 1590-1621
We so enjoyed the above series as they are well written, the cinematography is excellent, and we are assuming the historical details are moderately accurate. Watching these series helped us have a real taste and flavor for Italy and specifically Rome and Florence. I smile when I see the Royalty travel between on Rome and Florence on horseback and buggy as if it takes only a few hours. It takes about 1 hour and 15 minute 120 MPG train ride between the cities. A horse gallops around 25 MPH and walks about 4-5 MPH. Lets just a assume a walking trotting horse and about a 170 mile travel three horse ride would take at least 12-20 hours. In other words, DAYS. We highly recommend the above 3 Netflix series. Beware they may be sexy and explicit with a lot of bloodshed. Tom likes the sexy parts and Alice does not like the bloody parts.
So how are the two cities different from my perspective
The people
Rome: We are living in an apartment and living like Alice says, “Like the locals”. We can still walk to nearly all the tourist attractions like the Forum, the Coliseum, the Vatican and others Walking distance can be up to 45 minutes from our location. The PEOPLE at the main venues and attractions are similar as most of them are either tourists, tour guides, or those serving the tourist industry. I must admit both of us are really CITY people and NOT rural people by nature., We love the theater, fine dining and beautiful big cities like Miami and Fort Lauderdale. The people of Rome outside of the massive amount of tourists at the attractions are very genuine, hard working and sincere. It has been much harder for us to find that in Florence, however, I must note that our waitress Julia at the wonderful Steak house in Florence who moved there from Rome prefers Florence over Rome primarily because of the people. She said the people are friendlier and more like family in Florence than in Rome.
The tourists
Both Rome and Italy during this trip have been inundated by tourists from all over the world. We have met many American tourists, but the tourists are overwhelming these venues from all over the world. I have never been one to appreciate being in a crowd feeling like a sardine in a can. I get very paranoid, especially now because of the issues with thief’s and pick pockets. They are everywhere.
The scammers
They are in both venues, everywhere. They are selling everything from cheap wrist bracelets, scarfs, squishy balls of GLOB you throw on the ground and they hit with a big stupid sound. It’s a setup to not only sell you JUNK but to engage you in a conversation so either they or their co-conspirators are finding a way to sneak in your backpack or your wallet to get the mother load. How many Nigerians have approached me with their only line….. “Are you African?” I want to respond with, “Are you Swedish?” I was approached by a Nigerian who asked, “can you tell me the time?” I responded with, “No, I don’t know the time…” He got real aggressive and almost accosted me right there. Glad I had Alice with me to protect me with her coat of Armor…. IBKul.
I watched this scammer on the prowl and then chased after these poor souls.
The food
We are in Italy, 99.9% of all the restaurants we see, menus we look at are of course Italian food, with course 1-12. How many course can a fat American eat in one setting? Florence is world famous for its wonderful Steak houses. Aside from that the restaurants are very similar. However, there is no question the food and nearly everting in Florence is more expensive than Rome. There is no question the food is fantastic in both places. I can’t ignore the fact that often times I want anything but Italian lol. Last night we went to a wonderful SUSHI/Japanese restaurant just down the street. Lets talk more about cost of the food.
Our favorite local restaurant, just down the street: La Lampada.
The food is fantastic serving both lunch and dinner and is actually just down the stairs from our apartment, Our server Angelo who is the self proclaimed “Best Waiter in all of Italy” is wonderful and we love to eat there often because of the food but perhaps mostly because of our new good friend Angelo. We can eat 2-3 course meals there with a glass of wine for under $75 where the same meal in Delray Beach would be as much as $150. We an have a wonderful bowl of soup and a short pasta meal for less than $25.00 We got spoiled as when we went to Florence the costs were nearly as high as Miami/Fort Lauderdale.
Take a look at the food of italy
The sites and Venues
Florence: Amazing, amazing, amazing, Art and history every where. Our favorite museum: Uffizi. Of course you have the statue of David and others. You also have the Arno river and all the beautiful bridges and the views of the Ponte Vecchio. All are amazing and most beautiful at sunrise and sunset.
Rome: For me, the FORUM and Coliseum, are the wonders of the world. Add to that the incredible churches, and of course Saint Peter’s Basilica are off the chart.
Rome first
Florence next
The winner
Rome. It just does not feel as “touristy” as Florence. Perhaps we need to figure out how “living like the locals” feels in Florence like it does in Rome. Of course this is my opinion. Both cities are fantastic and are currently inundated by a massive amount of tourists which really lessens the experience of being the wonderful venues.
Alice loves the sophistication and feel that is brought to the city of Rome. The office and business attire people are wearing. The hustle and bustle of each morning and evening as the business people commute to and from work. All the perfectly tailer made blue suits worn by the Italian men. It has and feels more like a real city …. with class.
This of course is my opinion and I invite you to Italy to discover these two beautiful cities and make up your own mind.
Are you African?