I hope you are ready to participate in our trip of a lifetime to Italy by reading my blogs which should be fun, interesting and full of very good photography.
Encourage me by commenting and sending feeedback
You can always encourage me to write more by actually sending me comments and feedback. I am not sure why the comment section on my blogs continues to be not available for the readers. You can sent me feedback on Facebook Messenger (Tom Schmuki), Instagram (@thomas_e_photography), email (tesphoto3@gmail.com) or even WhatsApp (954-439-1999).
My third blog on our Italy trip already
This is actually my third blog on or about our trip to Italy. Here are the links to the previous two blogs:
Italian Trip Planning - my first blog about our trip
Retail therapy for Alice Tri Rail Shopping to Brickell
The best way to read my blogs is to go directly to my web site. The main blog heading is “Photography Blog”
This link will always take you to the most recent posted blog. You can always traverse backwards in time and read all my blogs one my one, clear back to my first blog:
Paparazzi - Now I understand
Followed by:
A shy man with a camera
Lets get down to business and loose some lb’s
It’s time to get serous about loosing weight Mr. Tom. Having critically viewed enough recent personal photos I decided to get real serous about getting fit and loosing weight before our trip to Italy. I look like a 66 year old man in his third trimester. A daily diet of protein shakes, salads, and oatmeal along with 900-1200 calories burned per Peloton workout for the last 2-3 weeks. I believe I have lost about 10 pounds. Currently at 203 with a height of 6’1” with recommended weights between 166 and 202 I have more room to go. I now look like I have a small baby bump …How about 10 more pounds? I know I should pat myself on the back for my work done so far, but that is just not my style. I have been told with an average walk day of 8-15 miles per day, keeping your weight of in Italy may be a bit easier.
PeloTom. Daily workouts of 850-1,200 calories burned per workout.
In celebration of our soon to be trip to Italy and given an opportunity to break our diet, we had a wonderful dinner at our favorite Italian Resteraunt in Delray Beach “Le Sorelle”. We look forward to returning from our trip from Italy and getting a cooking lesson with family and friends at this very resteraunt.
How about a snapshot at our favorite Italian Resteraunt?
Lobster with Fettuccini served up by Le Sorelle in Delray Beach
It’s time to select our clothes for our trip. So grateful to have Alice help me with this. I have never seen anyone so organized and thoughtful about bringing the right clothes that all work together.
Here are some fun samples of the selected clothing for me.
My clothing including shirts, shorts, and pants all color coordinated by the master
And now, the clothing selected by Alice for her.
She told me this is looking like an IBKul vacation with many shirts and shorts for me and also outfits for Alice. My closet is full of IBKul clothing of nearly every color.
What is the exchange rate and can you ship us some Euros? We ordered euros that were shipped to the bank to pick up. The exchange rate is currently 1.06 United States Dollar. I guess I will just mentally think it is 1 to 1 when punching things and spending money. My real question is what does a plate of spaghetti cost versus a comparable serving in the US?
European Euros. ODD, the denominations are sized according to their value. What is the size of 1 million Euro?
Time to pack
Alice reminded me that I know nothing about packing. I am a man. We just throw the clothing in and deal with the wrinkles later. Alice is from Venus, she carefully folds, rolls and gives the Popes blessing to the finished product. Airport attendees, don’t you dare mess with the finished product. Its a masterpiece. Take a look
Fold, roll and bless the clothing
Alices working before that final zip. Close your eyes!
Time for that final ZIP of the bag
Time to UBER to our local Trip Rail Station ride to Miami Airport
The lap of luxury an experience I have never had
The VIP lounge when the NON John Q Public goes. Wine, food, and desert. I had it all to relax before our long trip on that crowded business class bed on our Air France Ride to Pairs. as a kid, I used to always say….. “this is how the other half lives…” This experience is all Alice! Thank you!
Air France flight from Miami to Paris
Such an odd route, maybe the birds know better
Lets get on the plane and enjoy this Business class seat
Transfer planes in Paris and we barely made it through bag check clear customs. We were almost the last on the plane. This is the line we were in to bag screened and clear custom in Paris.
We finally arrived in Venice. Now the fun begins
Stay tuned for the next blog which should come in 2-3 days.